An Intelligent door opening system
- Managing via smartphone app (Android and Apple).
- Great review and easy to add and delete fingerprints.
- The reader has a capacity of 100 fingerprints, 100 numeric codes and 100 NFC devices.
- 360-degree fingerprint reading.
- Automatic fingerprint change detection.
- Different fingerprints, numeric codes or NFC devices can be entered for one user.
- Naming the administrator and user.
- Controlling built-in LED door lighting.
- Automatic logging into security log. Last 150 events saved.
- Schedules for user restrictions and LED lighting.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Make sure Wi-Fi on the control unit is turned on. Wi-Fi access is indicated by a blue light.
Install the latest version of the Inosmart application.
Open the door and hold the phone as close as possible to the control unit while connecting.
Restart your phone. Along with step 2, this step is usually most effective in troubleshooting connectivity issues.
Enable Wifi and location on your phone (Android only).The latest version of the Inosmart app automatically turns on Wifi and location.
When installing Inosmart, the application requires access to the location and phone calls which you must enable. If you are unsure whether you have already allowed these accesses while installing Inosmart, uninstall the application and reinstall it.
Avoid connecting to the reader directly via the WiFi manager on the phone. If this happens, delete from the phone all paired networks whose name starts with iN00.
If you are connecting to the Inosmart reader for the first time, select ADD NEW READER. If you are connecting to a reader that someone has already renamed and assigned a password to, you must select ADD AN EXISTING READER and enter the password and the reader name correctly.
Caution: Android version 10 and higher automatically raises the confirmation window that needs to be confirmed when the connection is established.
Reset the reader to the factory settings (press the 1 + 2 + 3 buttons on the control unit for 10 seconds). Enter the administrator fingers and repeat steps 1 to 5.
For comfortable use and in case of injury, we recommend entering one finger from each hand, preferably the same finger.
To improve finger recognition, it is better to enter each finger multiple times than to enter different fingers. It also increases the probability of recognition in borderline operating conditions (very dry skin, wet finger, partially damaged finger).
Note that fingerprint in children develops somewhere up to 8 years of age, therefore it is possible that younger children do not have a sufficiently developed fingerprint for successful identification.
It is highly recommended that children, the elderly and people with partially injured fingers enter the same finger several times.
Reader sensor must be dry and clean. Both moisture and dirt can interfere with or prevent successful identification.
Finger was pressed on the sensor too lightly or too hard. It should be pressed with normal force.
The finger was placed on the sensor at an excessive angle. Place it parallel with the sensor.
Not enough finger surface was pressed on the sensor. The sensor must obtain a large enough image to enter the fingerprint. Please try again.
Database is full. A new fingerprint can be entered only after you delete one of the existing fingerprints.
Skin on the finger is very dry. Make sure you moisturize your hands.
To troubleshoot fingerprinting children, the elderly, and people with injured fingers, see “Storing Fingerprints” section.
Reader sensor must be dry and clean. Both moisture and dirt can interfere or prevent successful identification.
Finger was pressed on the sensor too lightly or too hard. It should be pressed with normal force.
Place your finger on the sensor the same way you placed it while learning.
Not enough finger surface was pressed on the sensor. The sensor must obtain a large enough image to enter the fingerprint. Please try again.
Skin on your finger is very dry. Make sure you moisturize your hands.
To troubleshoot fingerprinting children, the elderly, and people with injured fingers, see “Storing Fingerprints” section.
The finger that you have just used is assigned to the second relay. If you wish to open the door with this finger, you can enable it with the use of the application. For the exact procedure, check user manual.
Error on reader or lock. Call an authorized service technician.
Check the location of the NFC sensor on your smartphone. Some phones do not have an NFC sensor or it is blocked by the phone’s operating system (iPhone SE, iPhone 6+ and older versions).
Check the location of the sensor on your reader. NFC technology has a very small range, only a few mm. The NFC sensor must be held closer to the reader NFC sensor.
If the the phone is not recognized by the reader, move the phone a few inches away from the reader and then move it closer again.
It is important to move the phone closer and further away from the reader on multiple attempts. If you touch the surface of the reader with your phone, the phone will probably not be recognized!
If your phone has a protective cover, it may be too thick or you may have another item stored between the protective cover and the phone. Remove it.
When surrounded by metal, some smartphones have a problem with NFC tags recognition. It is not guaranteed that your smartphone will successfully connect to the reader via NFC.
Quick Reference
Inosmart – An intelegent door opening system.
Inosmart – An intelegent door opening system.
Wiring diagram
Wiring diagram for Inotherm inoSmart.